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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Recommended Cat Books 1

I have been an admirer of Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen of the inspirational Chicken Soup for the Soul books for a long time. Their story is in fact quite fascinating, and you can read about the how the "chicken soup" title came to one of them in a dream on the history page of their website. Now they have about 100 spin-off titles in the series, including Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul: Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit of Writers which I have sitting on my bookshelf at home. I also recently came across a more recent addition to their backlist – Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul, which I am about to order. If it's anything like the other ones, I will be moved to tears. 

There is something you must know up front – I am a goner when it comes to animals. I cannot watch animal movies or read tragic animal books because I get very distressed and I feel physical pain when the major animal characters (animated or real life) get lost or die or something bad happens to them. This goes for all animal movies not just ones with cats. I haven't see Free Willy to this day. I think Bambi was the start of it all – I have it on good authority that several generations of children were traumatised by that film in ways that we are all still working through. Even Stephen Spielberg attested to this in a recent interview I heard.

But getting back to the major subject of this blog post, I will occasionally be highlighting cat books in this blog. This particular title is probably the only one I haven't read up front as I only stumbled on it today – so the "recommendation" in the blog title is perhaps a misnomer. But working from the position of an excellent reputation of the other CS titles and working on the basis that other cat lovers have praised it highly, I am starting off my recommended cat book list with this as the lead title. Let me know what you think of it when you have a chance.

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