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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chronicles of the Xmas Kitties – Journal Entry 7

The tortie and white continues to elude me. She knows what I'm up to! She is now more confident and strolling about. She navigates in wide circles around me AND ... she is very smart. This morning she ducked out of the drain and then scooted into an exposed drain pipe, protruding out of hilly terrain near one of the sheds. I quickly seized a cat cage, crept quietly over to the drain pipe, took off my t-shirt (I did have a camisole underneath folks!) and then straddled the drain pipe so I was poised right over the entry/exit point, ready to scoop her up in my t-shirt once she emerged (please take my descriptions at face value; there is no hidden symbolism in them). Nothing! When I looked up, she was sitting watching me across the way. She had obviously made her way to the other end of the pipe. Damn!

On another note, I stroked the first black kitten for a few moments while it was eating. It didn't hiss or run away. As a reference point, when you first move towards stroking the kitten, do so from the back rather than from the front near the head. That way it won't be perceived as an act of aggression.


Cat Kouns Born said...

The little females are typically the most clever I've found in our colony. Sneaky too! I laughed out loud when you wrote that you looked up to find her watching you!

- Cat

Julie said...

I completely agree, Cat.
But I can be sneaky too. I caught her last night.